Τηλ. +30 2111827707        Κιν. +30 6936037113
Νεκτάριος Νικολόπουλος MDΔιεύθυνση: Πεντέλης 32 & Κόδρου, Μαρούσι
Αρχική 5 Services 5 Offshore Medicine

Offshore Medicine

We want to provide even better health services

Primary Care Associates is staffed by people with extensive experience in supplying quality health services. Our aim is to be the leading provider in our field and to contribute to ensuring that our customers both establish and maintain the necessary emergency response structure.

In addition to supplying duty doctor services, we want to give companies the opportunity to draw on our experience and use it for further development in the field of general health and safety. Our goal is to provide you, our customers, with professional medical security, the necessary emergency response structure and efficient service.

Skills that ensure professional medical security

Primary Care Associates was founded in 2018, taking as its basis the duty doctor scheme for the Norwegian oil and gas fields.

Our overarching goal

“Primary Care Associates is to supply health services of a high professional standard to offshore installations. Our services are to be based on broad general medical experience and efficient execution of the health services in close contact with the customer and/or the individual installation.”

Our value base

      • Professional medical security
      • Responsible
      • Thinking in terms of new solutions
      • Provide efficient service
      • Work in teams for and with the customer

We have built up our organization, available competence and capacity so as to ensure we can quickly make any adjustments necessary to accommodate new commercial requirements in a contract.

Doctor’s services

Duty doctor

The doctors who staff our duty team live locally in Greece. Most of the duty doctors are GPs who have completed supplementary courses and received training in acute medical aid.

Our duty doctors provide continuous coverage (24/7-365) on the basis of our own shift plans. Our doctors are available to provide professional medical advice and assist platform medical staff with treatment. In addition, our duty doctors can be contacted via the company’s emergency response and HSE organization.

We use ICT systems including telephony and video-based communication

Operator Supervisor Doctor

The role of the Operator Supervisor Doctor is to assure that the company is in compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations regarding the health contingency programs, and with regard to sub-suppliers to the operator company. This doctor has a general role based on supervision in the area of general health and safety.

Emergency response doctor

Primary Care Associates provides second line emergency response doctor services. The assignments are aligned with the client’s key processes. The primary task is to coordinate the healthcare-related logistics in connection with major incidents and accidents. The doctors are based in the client’s second line emergency response centre.